Should You Get Your MBA? 5 Things to Consider

By Jim Raychrudhury

If you speak with a lot of business professionals, many of them will tell you the same thing: they have their MBA. “MBA” stands for Master of Business Administration and it’s a valuable degree to pursue if you’re in the professional world. Not only does an MBA make your resume stand out, but it also shows how determined you are to succeed.

The MBA will prepare you to take a leadership role in a business setting. (Click here to find out even more about getting the most from your MBA.) Here are just five reasons why you should seriously consider getting an MBA.

pensive businessman

Considering a career in business? (Photo by SalFalko via Flickr)

  1. Salary

Your MBA will give you important insight into your career, which means that you’re more valuable to employers. According to Masters Portal, the Association of MBAs has found that graduates who showcase their MBA on their resume earn upwards of 80,000 GBP, or over $100,000, per year. Overall, people with an MBA tend to earn more than people who hold only undergraduate degrees, according to the Kazian School of Management

  1. Career Opportunities

Employers love to hire graduates who have an MBA. This automatically increases the job opportunities that are waiting for you once you’re finished with school. If you have high-reaching business goals, an MBA will help you get there. In addition to landing a great job fresh out of school, you’ll also have more promotion opportunities. Employers feel that their employees who have MBAs are extremely valuable to the company. Masters Portal states that employers like hiring recent MBA graduates because they have new, up-to-date business acumen. Additionally, having employees who hold MBAs raises the prestige of a company. When it’s time to fill a higher position, they’ll look within the company – this is when your MBA will shine.

  1. Networking

Throughout your MBA program, there will be numerous opportunities to network and make connections. You should take as many of those opportunities as possible. You’ll be able to interact with other students and business professionals both online and in person. Plus, once you graduate, you’ll be able to stay connected to the alumni network for years to come. Never underestimate the importance of new contacts. Even if you don’t feel they’d benefit you today, you never know when a contact will be able to help you in the future.

  1. Skills and Knowledge

While an MBA will help you land a job with a high salary, there are even more perks to pursing this type of education. You’ll gain a host of new, transferable skills to take with you after you graduate. As stated in this Forbes article, MBA students learn about public speaking and presenting in front of groups; how to manage teams of people; and about the global economy. Not only will those skills help you out in your career, but they’ll even be beneficial to you in your daily life. Everything that you learn about critical thinking, effective communication and leadership can be used in both business and life.

  1. New Perspective

When you spend time getting your MBA instead of working in the field, you may feel that you’re not getting important first-hand experience. However, reflecting on business issues in an educational setting will give you a unique perspective on the business industry. Not only will you have the time and guidance to think through major business issues with your professors, but you’ll also learn from experienced executives who speak at your school. You’ll be able to bounce ideas off of other people who have the same interests as you. When your two years of school is over, you’ll have so much more knowledge and insight to take back with you to the office.

Once you dive head first into the business world, you’ll learn numerous valuable lessons. However, many of those lessons can be learned ahead of time in business school. An MBA will make you the most prepared you can be to head into the professional world, either for the first time or in an effort to advance your career. Also keep in mind that if you’re not in a position to completely forgo your full-time job, there are ways to fit in an MBA education while continuing to work.

About the author: Jim Raychrudhury is a freelance writer and passionate blogger who likes writing articles that cover career, education and business related topics. He has written numerous articles and contributed to several other blogs. When he is not writing, he enjoys spending time outdoors with his family.

Going to School with PTSD: Online Education and Anxiety

By James Hinton

I was an older student with an anxiety issue. After spending time in the Army, including several combat tours, I had been diagnosed with PTSD. Being around large numbers of strangers worried me. Noisy settings where I was not completely in control gave me the need to run for it. I would even feel a touch agoraphobic if I was not close to something I could bunker up within.

When I made the decision to obtain a college degree after getting out, these all presented me with significant problems. While some of the university classes I participated in had relatively small class sizes that enabled me to learn faces fairly quickly and find a certain degree of comfort with, large classes were a daily struggle. I would have to position myself close to doors so I could bolt outside for relief if needed. More boisterous classes could result in frequent, embarrassing episodes where I just plain had to get out.

Eventually I made it through and obtained my Bachelors, but it was not a particularly easy or enjoyable process. My struggles had frequently led to my considering quitting, which had only caused the depression that comes with PTSD to get worse. Preparing for class had been an anxiety inducing process that involved my wondering whether I’d make it through to the end, or have to make a dash for the door yet again.

I still wonder sometimes how I made it to graduation.

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Law School Costs (Infographic)

Intro by Marcela De Vivo.

Graduation, whether you’ve just earned your bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, is definitely a major accomplishment. While pursuing higher education can bring some great benefits, it can be a huge financial investment and at times a burden. For this reason, students should really think about how they plan on paying for college or graduate school. Trying to find financial aid for school can often turn into a full time job; as more and more grants and scholarships see their funding reduced, students are forced to look into more accessible forms of financial aid like student loans. More advanced degrees such as a J.D. tend to cost even more. In 2013, the average law school student graduated about $124,000 in debt. Although the costs of education can be high, it’s still a worthy investment, as statistically college graduates earn significantly more than those without degrees — and the higher your degree, the more you earn.

Paying for school can seem intimidating and challenging, but with smart saving and budgeting skills, finding funds for a degree can become the least of your worries. Student loans can be a time-saving way to find financial aid, but students should always compare and research different loans to find the ones that have the best interest rate and payment plans. To get a sense of just how much grads can end up paying for law school, and to learn some money saving tips that can help you get rid of student debt quickly, check out this infographic on law school costs.

Source: CedarEdLending

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GRE vs. the GMAT: Which Should You Take?

By Marcela De Vivo
Whether you’re still clutching your newly minted diploma, or have been in the workforce for a decade, getting a graduate degree can be a smart career move, especially in the world of business. If you’re looking to earn a Master’s or MBA, more standardized testing is in your near future. The GRE is required for most graduate school programs, but the GMAT is more likely to be the test needed for MBA programs. There are other major differences between the two tests, so pick one that suits your strengths. These tests are also much pricier and involve even more studying than the testing required for undergrad applications, so most students don’t take more than one. Make sure you pick the right test to help you get into the graduate program of your dreams.

This infographic by BenchPrep Inc. can help you decide between the GRE and GMAT. If you’re planning on getting an MBA, make sure that the schools of your choice will accept a GRE instead of a GMAT, as not all schools accept GREs in place of GMATs. If you have stronger math skills than writing ability, the GMAT may be better suited to your proficiencies. Take a look at the major differences below.


You need great grades to get into grad school.  The Secrets of Top Students can help you get there!

What’s the Best Music to Help You Study? (Guest Post)

While a lot of people work best in complete silence, there are many who prefer some form of background noise or stimulation in order to concentrate.

If you’re a college or graduate student who puts in long hours of studying, listening to music that you enjoy can help pass the time and allow you to concentrate on your work without getting bored.

Depending on your personality and the way your brain functions, there’s a high probability that certain types of music will help you pay attention and improve your study sessions.

The question is: What type of music will do that?


It’s obvious that certain musical genres are just plain distracting, emotionally charged, and not designed for concentration or relaxing. But there’s also a lot of music that can help you relax, focus, and be great accompaniment to a long study session.

While everyone’s different, here’s what I recommend for studying and concentration:

1. Lite jazz — Any kind of jazz will do, but vocal artists like Ella Fitzgerald or Sammy Davis Jr. are great for relaxing and focusing on your work. If you’re looking for something a little more upbeat, jazz fusion will have more of a pop sound and syncopated rhythm.

2. Classical — Classical music of any kind is a fantastic study companion. Not only does it sharpen your brain, but it’s easy to listen to and doesn’t distract you from other thoughts. If you were hoping for something a little more interesting than the average classical recording, try something like Perpetual Motion by Bela Fleck. He does a bunch of classical numbers on that album with a banjo.

3. Varied instrumental — Hearing other words can compete for your thoughts and make it harder for you to read or think through your own words. That means that instrumental tunes of most varieties are going to be better options for your study time.

Even heavier guitar stuff from Joe Satriani or Eric Johnson can make great studying tracks. Something more subtle, like an instrumental jazz or blues record, is also great for relaxing and concentrating.

4. Funk — Again, lots of instrumental options here, and a little more upbeat. Perhaps it’s not the most calm and soothing style of music, but it is smooth and can be a relaxing sound, even when you’re trying to concentrate on something else.

Helping you Relax

Music is helpful during a study session because it can help you relax, and while some people’s minds perform better with silence, music can be used as a tool to increase the length of time you’re able to focus on something.

If you want to try the music mentioned above, here are some sites where you can stream songs without having to pay for them.

1. Grooveshark — A form of social media for music lovers, Grooveshark allows you to search for music, create playlists, save them and then listen to them whenever you want. They’ve got just about every artist on the planet to choose from.

2. Arena — It’s similar to Grooveshark, but Arena puts more emphasis on the news and community aspect of streaming music. Arena also boosts the highest payout to artists per stream. You can search for music and make playlists.

3. Pandora — Pandora is designed to help you find new music that you’re more likely to enjoy, by letting you create stations based on artists that you already like. Once you select an artist, Pandora will play music similar to that artist. It’s not as “selective” as your other two options, but it will run on its own without the need to create a playlist; just select the initial band and you’re good to go.

Marcela De Vivo is a freelance writer and online marketing professional in the Los Angeles area. When she is trying to power through a long day at work, she enjoys creating a playlist to get her through. Follow her on Twitter today!

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